Our Programs

Sports for Development and Peace
Kafka uses sports as a development tool to prevent violent extremism among youth through enhancing tolerance and resilience. It has been engaging children, young people and girls to teach them life-skills, social and moral values through team-based inclusive sports activities. During these activities, the beneficiaries experience critical thinking, empathy, integration, team-work, and belonging.

Education Reforms
Kafka has been doing campaigning on Article 25-A ‘Right to Education’ which states that “The state shall provide free and compulsory education to ALL children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law.” We have been a significant partner of the Alif Ailaan education campaign in the Lahore district and also contribute and support to global education campaign #TheirWorld by Sarah Brown.

Kafka initiated a peace campaign in 2013 to counter Violent Extremism in Pakistan. Under the campaign, we have successfully organized 1st International Youth Peace Summit 2013, 2nd youth Peace Sumit 2014 and Youth Peace Symposium 2015. These summits gathered 1800 young people from all over Pakistan, generated dialogue and provided young people an opportunity to participate in the decision-making process.

Girls Education
Kafka is a strong supporter of gender equality and girl’s education. We have been doing digital media advocacy to highlight girl’s education as a significant issue also in 2015 we have initiated a girl’s education policy dialogues. The idea behind the dialogues was to raise this issue among influentials to modify and implement the existing policies. In addition, Kafka has started Girls Education Live Forum and ‘Donate a School Bag and Educate a Girl’ unique campaigns.

Note: In Pakistan, 22 million children are out of schools and half of them are girls (Alif Ailaan).

Stop Child Marriages
Kafka is a member of the #GirlsNotBrides global campaign to end child marriages. We having been campaigning to modify THE CHILD MARRIAGE RESTRAINT ACT 1929 Punjab, Pakistan. We organize policy dialogues, empower young people on the issue to make them agents of change and use digital media advocacy to strengthen our campaigning that was started in 2013.

Note: It is estimated that 21% of girls in Pakistan are married before the age of 18. Child marriage in Pakistan relates to tradition, culture, and customary practices, to address this issue.

Say No to Violence Against Girls and Women
We condemn all kinds of gender-based violence against girls and women. We have a specific campaign to end violence against girl child maids in the Punjab province. It has been an unsung issue and stands totally against right to education law.

Youth Health
Kafka advocates and sensitize young people on health-related issues such as Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Family Planning and HIV/AIDS. We mainly focus on stigma, zero-discrimination, HIV/AIDS testing, contraceptives and ‘Sports for HIV/AIDS’ campaigning. We have been contributing to Expert Advisory Community FP 2020 goals and we are a partner of the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP). In addition, we have started ‘Your Body Your Choice’ family planning and contraceptives awareness campaign with IYAFP. Moreover, we run a social media-based SRHR helpline that advocates young people through social media. Last but not least, we are a core member of the ‘National Youth Alliance for Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Pakistan and contributed to First National Youth Narrative on Family Planning.

Climate Change
Kafka has been doing campaigning on climate change and our main focus is on Tree Plantation and Water Scarcity.

Young Journalists and Writers
A Global platform where all creative and enthusiastic writers can unite.

Opportunity Corner
It is a global platform that discovers opportunities for young people from all over the world.